
1. My fans are the COOLEST people EVER

2. My fans LOVE to sing along and join in the fun

3. My fans PAY ATTENTION – Sometimes I think no one is seeing my posts but then you surprise me by mentioning something that I posted months ago

4. My fans make me SMILE – You guys NEVER seem to have a bad day. You ALWAYS seem so happy to be at my shows. I secretly hope I put you in that cheery mood you’re in

5. My fans are SO SUPPORTIVE of my original music! I thank YOU for LIKING, FOLLOWING, DOWNLOADING, and for just plain ENJOYING my art.

6. My fans INSPIRE – They inspire ME every day with every comment, thumbs up, dollar in my tip jar, kind words of encouragement and just a happy smiling face.

7. My fans LOVE my music – which makes me LOVE to make more music to share with YOU!

8. My fans love to TRAVEL as much as I do – I am always shocked when I see friends at out of state shows. Some told me they traveled 15 hours to see me! THAT’S A DEVOTED SUPER FAN!

9. My fans are HELPFUL – I ALWAYS appreciate when you guys pass my name along to venues and booking managers or tell me that I misspelled something on my website. It’s not easy being an Indie artist. I spend MANY nights doing music stuff while the rest of the world is sleeping.

10. My fans are LOYAL! – I still have my first piece of fan mail that was sent to my agent in Los Angeles years ago. That fan was a little girl who saw me in one of my first shows where I was the lead character. She is still following me to this day.